CBRN / HazMat Training Blog

Mustard Gas: From Weapon of Terror to Cancer Cure

Written by Steven Pike on 09 May 2024

Mustard gas was first used as a weapon of terror bringing chemical weapons to the battlefield. However, the properties that made it an agonising killer also made it into the basis for a frontline cancer treatment.


Army hazmat training: An overview of safety certifications

Written by Steven Pike on 17 May 2023

Army hazmat training plays an important role in preparing key personnel for the safe transport of hazardous materials. 

As part of its national defense mission, the US military makes use of a wide range of hazardous substances. These can include petroleum products, chemicals, explosives and solvents - all of which can pose a physical risk if handled improperly.

In this blog post we explore the process by which substances are classified as hazardous and ways in which hands-on army hazmat training scenarios can enhance theoretical understanding of safe handling.


How hands-on gas detection training can enhance industrial safety

Written by Steven Pike on 24 August 2021

Industrial-based incidents that occur within confined space environments can pose a substantial safety hazard due to the heightened chance of personnel being exposed to toxic gases.

As several recent workplace accidents have highlighted, the risk applies both to the victims and to those who are tasked with the role of emergency response.


Mitigating the effects of chemical incidents in industrial settings

Written by Steven Pike on 03 August 2021

Chemical incidents that occur caused by leaks, explosions or fires in industrial settings can have significant consequences for both human health and the environment.

Building and maintaining an understanding of the key principles governing the regulation of chemicals is a core skill for businesses and personnel involved in the supply, distribution or use of hazardous chemicals, as well as for those working within the context of local authorities and emergency planning.


Using simulators to build proficiency in chemical hazard detection

Written by Steven Pike on 20 July 2021

Competency in chemical hazard monitoring and detection is a fundamental requirement for first response personnel operating within the areas of civil defense, environmental protection and the military.

Providing trainees with the opportunity to experience realistic hands-on training is vital, but it is a goal that can often be difficult to achieve in the face of strict regulatory controls and safety considerations.


Realistic chemical hazard training with the LCD3.3 / M4A1 JCAD SIM

Written by Steven Pike on 18 May 2021

One of the most common challenges that CBRNe and HazMat instructors face in delivering hands-on chemical hazard training is the extensive time that it can take to plan, set up and oversee their scenarios.  

Even once an exercise is up and running, the practical demands of keeping tabs on every detail and delivering vital information to students via verbal or written cues, can leave precious little time for observing trainees’ actions and responses.


How CBRN training programmes can benefit from lessons learned

Written by Bryan W Sommers - SGM U.S. Army, Ret. on 27 October 2020

As major incidents such as the 2018 Novichok nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury have demonstrated, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies can push national and international response capabilities to their very limits.

At the same time though, these types of challenging CBRN events can also provide a powerful learning opportunity by highlighting the core skills, resources and training that underpin emergency response.


First responder CBRNe training: what makes a chemical toxic?

Written by Steven Pike on 19 July 2019

The risk of encountering a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear explosive (CBRNe) hazard is an ever growing reality for emergency teams in the course of routine incident response.

In such situations, the extent to which they have been trained, and are confident, in the principles of CBRNe incident management and CBRNe casualty management will be of paramount importance.


What is the best HazMat training method to keep first responders safe

Written by Steven Pike on 26 November 2018

While regulations exist to guide HazMat training requirements for first responders, the reality is that many personnel still don't consider themselves to be adequately skilled in the use of their equipment.

Sometimes it's because there simply isn't enough time to carry out regular and structured training programmes. Sometimes this lack of preparedness comes as the result of budget cuts where training is one of the first things to go.


Chemical hazard training - comparing the LCD3.3 and the LCD3.3-SIM

Written by Steven Pike on 08 November 2018

The ability to deliver consistent, engaging and true-to-life chemical hazard detection training scenarios relies on regular access to realistic, hands-on equipment.

What's vital is that these training tools replicate not only the readings and the responsiveness of real detectors, but that they also provide trainees with an authentic experience that recreates the potential challenges that they will face in actual incidents.