Wide-area / Live CBRNe Training Solutions

Modular, flexible and futureproof solutions that enable you and your teams to experience effective response to simulated threats.

Demonstrating readiness and preparedness

If you are responsible for emergency preparedness and readiness training at an industrial facility, a location with a nuclear reactor, CBRNe School or a dedicated military training centre, you understand the challenge you have when implementing large area training in a manner that is safe, environmentally friendly and cost effective.

You and your organization have a need to demonstrate proficiency; but how do you convince senior managers, officers and Government officials to invest in the capability to enable you to do so before an incident occurs or worse, the event of injured, or more regrettably, deceased personnel?

Wide area live cbrne training sharper

A guide to effective chemical warfare agent training

Discover the pros and cons of the three key types of chemical warfare agent training to help determine when and how you could employ them.

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Camsim Exercise UK DCBRNC

Training and evaluating everyone

You need to train, evaluate and assess every response component from deployment of survey teams, their monitoring and communication skills through to hazard prediction and those with command responsibility – exercising decisions and processes that may one day carry profound consequences.

Spreading chemical simulants may be one option, but environmental regulations make it unlikely, and using radiological sources over large areas is unrealistic for all but highly specialised facilities, such as former nuclear test sites or historic reactor accidents. Apart from expense, such training is very location-dependent and cannot be readily integrated with conventional live training systems.


Discover more about wide-area / live CBRNe training

Have a "no-obligation" discussion about whether PlumeSIM could help you and your teams be more fully prepared for a CBRNe event.

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Instrumented CBRNe training made easy

Using a modular, flexible and futureproof architecture, PlumeSIM enables you to instrument our compatible simulators, allowing your teams to experience, and you to ensure, effective response to simulated threats.

Multiple CBRNe hazard options

By simulating multiple types of radiation and chemical hazards within the same scenario, you can execute live training exercises while you monitor performance.

When you want to integrate CBRNe within your third party live training system, we can work with your program team and supplier to adapt our architecture to ensure compatibility.

PlumeSIM SMART wide area CBRNe training

Wide-area / Live CBRNe Training Products


Wide area CBRN / HazMat training system for field exercises and table top classroom settings that simulates virtual radiation and chemical plumes.

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Plume SIM


A powerful, App-based wide-area CBRN / HazMat virtual plume simulation system that lets you deliver practical, highly engaging table top and live field training exercises.

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SAAB Gamer CBRN Interface

Argon joined forces with Swedish military defence solutions provider Saab AB to develop a next-generation integrated interface for CBRN Live Training.

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