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A guide to 6 simulator detectors for use in realistic CWA training

Steven Pike

simulators-for-CWA-trainingElectronic simulator detectors can be used in a wide range of chemical warfare agent (CWA) exercises to create realistic, hands-on training experiences for police, first responders and the military.

Unlike other traditional forms of CWA training that may rely on the use of live agents or simulants, simulator detectors and their electronic sources offer the advantage of offering compete safety for trainees, their instructors, the environment and the general public. 

Electronic simulator detectors combine the look and functionality of an actual CWA detector with intelligent computer-based simulation tools, to replicate how real devices react when confronted by a range of chemical agents.

Life-like scenarios can be set up in any location, including inside public buildings, and multiple devices can be deployed to represent a range of different substances within the same training exercise.

In this blog post, we highlight the features and capabilities of 6 electronic simulator detectors that can be used in the delivery of effective and engaging CWA training scenarios.

1) LCD3.2e-SIM

The Smiths Detection LCD3.2e is a compact and lightweight chemical detector which is deployed by armed forces and first responders across the globe to test for traces of Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs), Nerve, Blister, Blood and Choking agents. The device has been designed to be hand-held or can be clipped to a belt or harness for ease of use.

The LCD3.2e-SIM is a high-fidelity detector simulator that replicates all of the functionality and response of the actual device, providing CWA instructors with the opportunity to simulate a wide variety of real-world scenarios and conditions which include:

  • The detection of nerve, Blister, Blood, Choking Agents, Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) and False Positives
  • An understanding of cumulative dose and dose alarms
  • The effects of contamination, decontamination and persistency
  • The effects of wind direction and temperature on the device
  • The depletion of LCD3.2e sieve packs and batteries
  • The changeover of a sieve pack / missing sieve pack / attempted use with storage sieve pack
  • LCD3.2e Confidence testing to ensure functionality
  • The use of a survey nozzle (to survey cargo, equipment, facilities and personnel)
  • Compatibility with the wide-area training system PlumeSIM

2) S4PE Chemical Hazard Detection Simulator

The S4PE Chemical Hazard Detection simulator is a training device that looks and functions just like the Proengin S4PE surface sampler and confidence tester, when used with AP2C and AP4C detectors.

The SIM operates with both AP2C-SIM and AP4C-SIM simulation sample pipe and features programmable, and re-usable, sample collection scraper heads which enables electronic simulation of a wide variety of chemical agents, TICS and false positives.

The simulator provides trainees with the opportunity to experience and understand:

  • Contamination, decontamination and persistency
  • The effects of wind direction and temperature
  • Confidence testing and the use of S4PE for sampling
  • The depletion of batteries and hydrogen cells
  • Collection of a surface sample
  • The warm up cycle of a collected sample

3) RAID-M100 Chemical Hazard Detection Simulator

The RAID-M100 is a dedicated simulation instrument for training in the correct use of the Bruker RAID M100 in virtually any scenario and environment.

CWA instructors can define the simulated threat to represent specific CWAs (GB, GD, GF, HD etc). The device responds to safe, environmentally friendly electronic simulation HazMat sources and simulates actual identification of detected substances.

Among the device's key features are the ability to:

  • Simulate the contamination of a probe during contamination monitoring
  • Work without the need for an ionizing radiation source
  • Monitor and report back on user errors such as a missed confidence test
  • Replicate the effects of inlet nozzle contamination
  • Simulate the replacement of a sieve pack and filter
  • Simulate both persistent and non-persistent CWAs
  • Work in conjunction with PlumeSIM

4) M4 JCAD Simulator

The M4 JCAD SIM is a high fidelity simulator for the Smiths Detection M4 JCAD. As a training tool it can play a vital role in helping to reduce sieve pack consumption and in preserving actual JCAD detectors for operational readiness. It is also compatible with the wide area training system PlumeSIM.

The M4 JCAD SIM enables the simulation of:

  • Nerve, Blister, Blood, Choking Agents, TICs and False Positives
  • Contamination, decontamination and persistency
  • Effect of wind direction and temperature
  • Depletion of sieve packs and batteries / user changeover of sieve pack / missing sieve pack / attempted use with storage sieve pack
  • Cumulative dose and dose alarms
  • Confidence testing and the use of a survey nozzle

5) GID-3 Chemical Warfare Detection Simulator

A chemical hazard simulation training system that allows safe and comprehensive training in the correct use of the Smiths Detection GID-3, without external simulants or other consumables.

Key attributes of the GID-3 SIM include:

  • No requirement for an ionizing radiation source
  • No need for consumables other than standard commercial batteries (Lithium or rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries)
  • Low cost of ownership due to no necessity for preventative maintenance or regular calibration
  • A powerful instructor remote which can control up to 8 simulators from a distance of up to 800 meters
  • The ability to work with an M42 remote alarm
  • Simulation of CW alarms and detector faults
  • Simulation of mode 16 output data from RS232 port
  • Compatibility with PlumeSIM

6) ChemPro 100/100i-SIM

The ChemPro 100/100i system enables the training of first responders and CBRN troops in the use of the ChemPro100 and the correct action to take in the event of a chemical attack.

Instructors can create simulated alarms to appear on the display of the ChemPro 100/100i Simulators. They can then monitor user actions or errors by means of a powerful instructor remote.

Simulated alarms can also be initiated using a point source or long range vapour simulator.

The system is PlumeSIM compatible and also enables simulation of:

  • Confidence testing
  • Filter changing
  • The CP100 / CP100i menu structure
  • Contamination of the sensor head

The ability to create realistic and innovative CWA training scenarios is key to ensuring the operational readiness of military crews and first response teams.

Electronic simulator detectors can be an invaluable asset when the most life-like experience is desired, but with zero risk of harm to human health or the environment.

Chemical warfare agent training using simulators
