CBRN / HazMat Training Blog

Create engaging first responder radiation training scenarios

Written by Steven Pike on 13 December 2022

"Nothing can compare with realistic training in the fire and rescue service."

- Ross Smallcombe, Firefighter


Transportation emergency preparedness with radiation simulators

Written by Bryan W Sommers - SGM U.S. Army, Ret. on 28 November 2022

Emergency preparedness starts with building confidence and familiarity with key radiological terminology and instrumentation. This is especially the case when training for transportation emergencies.

While there’s a minimal chance of responders being exposed to harmful quantities of ionizing radiation during daily duties, there is still the very real risk of encountering radioactive material when attending the scene of a transportation accident.

This is why emergency personnel need access to key training and technical assistance to safely and effectively mitigate the effects of radiation incidents.

In this article, we’ll look at:

  • How the Transportation Emergency Preparedness Program (TEPP) can teach responders how to react to radiation accidents
  • The importance of real-experience training to support emergency preparedness
  • A new training tool which can elevate responder radiation training

Related: Running a Safe, Cost-Effective, and Efficient Radiation Training Simulation


A Guide to the Five Levels of HazMat Response

Written by Bryan W Sommers - SGM U.S. Army, Ret. on 28 October 2022

HazMat training is essential when responding to hazardous materials which have been mishandled, incorrectly transported, or used with malicious intent, as they can pose a substantial risk to human health and the environment.

How effectively these incidents are managed and resolved hinges on the knowledge, training, and skill of those charged with the response.


5 Tools To Enhance The Realism of Radiation Training

Written by Steven Pike on 03 August 2022

Successful radiation training scenarios rely on the extent to which the instructor is able to create a compelling, hands-on and truly life-like training experience. 


How to Create Realistic HazMat First Responder Training Scenarios

Written by Steven Pike on 02 August 2022

The term ‘major incident’ is a broad one and is widely ascribed to any event where there is a loss of life, a serious injury or substantial damage to property or the environment.


How to Use A HazMat Leak Simulator To Train For Spill Events

Written by Steven Pike on 21 July 2022



HazMat Training Equipment: 10 Effective Tools To Consider

Written by Steven Pike on 30 May 2022



Army CBRNe Training: How To Prepare for Major Chemical Weapons Events

Written by Steven Pike on 05 May 2022


Educating HazMat First Responders: Carbon Dioxide Incident

Written by Steven Pike on 06 April 2022

While carbon dioxide (CO2) incidents are relatively uncommon, especially compared to their carbon monoxide counterparts, they can prove lethal in the wrong circumstances. 


CBRN Training Tools: How to Compare the Latest Technology

Written by Steven Pike on 25 March 2022