Intelligent simulator detector tools are used by military organisations around the world to enhance the provision of realistic Hazardous Material (HazMat) and Chemical, Biological, Radiation, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe) training exercises.
CBRNe specialists are highly-trained soldiers. They have the skills and experience to work in any environment and they have the capacity to handle a diverse variety of threats, from chemical warfare agents (CWAs) to hazardous material spills.
Safe and authentic CBRNe training
In conducting any military CBRNe training exercise, the safety and well-being of armed forces personnel, and their surrounding environment, will always be a primary concern for CBRNe instructors.
But, at the same time, the necessity for safety is balanced with the need to create authentic training scenarios that accurately reflect the nature of real-life incidents.
For many military CBRNe instructors, the decision to introduce some form of simulator detector component into their table top or field emergency training exercises is a logical 'next step'.
But once an instructor has identified a training need, what is the best way to source the simulator detector equipment that they will require?
The answer to this question will be influenced in large part by an instructor's training objectives. Some may be looking to purchase an entire instrumented training system. Others may be wanting to obtain specific stand-alone items of simulator equipment to enhance a specific training scenario.
Whatever the desired outcome, a vital first step will be to identify a reputable manufacturer, to explore what equipment options are available and to determine which items will best serve your purposes.
The value of CBRNe exhibitions
Meeting a prospective manufacturer at a CBRNe trade fair, exhibition or convention can be invaluable in supporting initial research into the diverse range of simulator detector products and accessories that are available on the market today.
The opportunity to see live demonstrations of specific products offers some undoubted benefits - to ensure the simulator equipment has the look and feel of the real thing, that the devices respond with the required level of realism and accuracy, and that they offer a high degree of flexibility in terms of potential training environments.
It can also provide the chance to dig down into the more specific financial details of ongoing maintenance, repairs or the the replacement of consumables that will have an impact on the total cost of ownership.
While meeting face to face with a prospective supplier isn't always necessary (or indeed possible) it can be invaluable in enabling you to assess the credentials and track record of any manufacturer you may be looking to work with.
And with sophisticated simulator systems costing anything from several thousand US dollars, to tens or hundreds of thousands per unit, it's a decision that is worthy of some intense scrutiny.
Can your prospective supplier demonstrate, for example, that they have formal long-standing and robust partnerships with the leading detector manufacturers?
What evidence can they provide to show that they safe-guard the realism and ongoing logistical support of their simulator systems?
With developments in detector technology moving so rapidly, do they have the capacity, and the commitment, to keep abreast of new developments and to review or update their simulators as required?
High-fidelity training opportunities
Evolutions in simulation technology are providing HazMat and CBRNe professionals with the opportunity to immerse themselves in increasingly realistic and high-fidelity training environments.
Simulator detector systems provide invaluable support for instructors to ensure they keep firm control of the nature, nuances and goals of every exercise, and that they are able to consistently deliver verifiable and measurable training outcomes.
When considering your options for simulator detector training systems, specialist events such as CBRN trade fairs, conventions or expos can provide a convenient and efficient means of perusing and comparing a wide variety of prospective suppliers, and their products, under one roof.
Upcoming CBRNe events
Are you considering attending a CBRNe exhibition? Here is a list of six upcoming events for 2019 that may be of particular interest:
Aero India 2019
When: 20th - 24th February 2019
Where: Air Force Station Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560063 India
CBRNe Protection Symposium
When: 9th - 11th April 2019
Where: Birmingham, United Kingdom
CBRNe Convergence Canada 2019
When: 15th - 17th April 2019
Where: Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau/Ottawa, Canada
SRP Annual Conference 2019
When: 21st - 23rd May 2019
Where: Scarborough Spa, United Kingdom
CBRN Exhibition 2019
When: 25th - 26th June 2019
Where: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, USA
13th CBRNe Protection Symposium
When: 24th - 26th September 2019
Where: Malmö, Sweden