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Coming events: what's new in HazMat & CBRNe for 2019

Steven Pike


Exhibitions, trade-shows and conferences can provide an invaluable opportunity for HazMat and CBRNe practitioners to view, try and compare the very latest developments in chemical warfare, equipment, machinery, tools and technologies.

In this blog post we highlight seven internationally recognized HazMat and CBRNe events that will be taking place around the world in 2019.

1. Security & Policing Home Office Event

International Exhibition and Conference Centre, Farnborough, United Kingdom, 5 - 7 March, 2019

  • Featuring a live demo area, immersive experiences, briefing sessions and a government zone.
  • Providing an opportunity to meet, and network with, UK suppliers and government officials and providing a setting for collaboration, testing and showcasing.

2. CBRNe Convergence Canada

Hilton, Lac Leamy, Ottawa, Canada, 15 - 17 April, 2019

  • CBRNe Convergence provides a showcase for leading speakers in the fields of WMD, HazMat, pathogens, toxic substances, chemical attacks and biological weapons.
  • Based around the theme of the merging of civilian and military response.
  • Streamed sessions will enable participants to select the presentations that best suit their needs. Previous events have featured insights from organizations including NATO, Interpol and the FBI.

3. NCT Europe

Venue TBC, Vienna, 25 - 27 June, 2019

  • A three-day event that will showcase a range of multinational CBRNe capability demonstrations including live C-IED and EOD exercises, workshops for civil and military personnel, an annual conference and an indoor/outdoor industry exhibition.
  • The NCT Plenary will present insights from a panel of industry experts from the USA, UK, Asia and Europe.

4. CBRNe Summit Europe 2019

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 9 - 11 April, 2019

  • Bringing together key officials from across the UK, Europe, North America and the Middle East.
  • Topics to include Civil and Military Perspectives on UK CBRNe Capability; The Use of Robotics Within Hot Zones;  Medical Countermeasures to Chem-Bio Attacks; and European Military CBRNe Threats and Response Techniques.
  • Further information can be obtained from

5. International Hazardous Materials Response Teams Conference

Hilton Baltimore, Maryland, USA 13 - 16 June, 2019

  • Providing the latest classroom, hands-on and field-trip based training on the latest developments of relevance to hazardous materials responders.
  • The event will cover all aspects of HazMat response, from transportation, safety, and equipment to WMD, mass terrorism, decontamination, bioterrorism and more.
  • A HazMat exhibit floor will include demonstrations of hazardous materials equipment.

6. 13th CBRNe Protection Symposium

Malmo, Sweden, 24 - 26 September, 2019

  • Aimed at engaging professionals within the CBRNe-protection field.
  • The symposium (formerly known as the CBW Protection Symposium) has grown to encompass protection against radiological, nuclear and explosive warfare agents in addition to chemical and biological warfare agents.
  • Latest state-of-the-art CBRNe equipment will be exhibited by industry leaders.
  • You can find Argon Electronics exhibiting at Booth Number 54 - to book a meeting, please feel free to get in touch.

7. CBRNe Convergence USA 

Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 5 - 7 November, 2019

  • Details of this event have yet to be released, so check the CBRNe World website for updates.

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