CBRN / HazMat Training Blog

8 simple scenarios to obtain maximum benefit from your HazMat training

Written by Steven Pike on 10 July 2019

The provision of authentic, hands-on training scenarios can play an invaluable role in preparing HazMat teams and first responders for the raft of increasingly unconventional and unpredictable chemical threats that they may be required to handle.

The often irregular nature of these incidents, together with the diversity of the environments in which they can be found, can pose significant challenges for instructors as they seek to provide training experiences that are as realistic as possible.


Improving initial operational response to CBRNe incidents

Written by Steven Pike on 09 July 2019

The deliberate release of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) or toxic materials in civilian settings represents a serious threat - not only to the individuals within those communities, but to the personnel charged with the initial response, specialist incident management and medical care.

The discovery of the use of the 'novichok' nerve agent in Salisbury UK in March 2018, for example, was a stark reminder of how vulnerable the wider civilian population can be to the effects of targeted and pernicious CBRNe activities.


Training for CBRNe & HazMat incidents at mass public events

Written by Steven Pike on 28 June 2019

Preparing civilian first responders and military teams for the threat of possible chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive (CBRNe) attacks is a top priority for countries around the world.

The very nature of CBRNe threat detection, however, all too frequently relies on the ability to monitor and manage the 'invisible' - which can present unique challenges for both trainees and their trainers.


CBRNe training: the evolving role of the 21st century fire fighter

Written by Steven Pike on 21 June 2019

The rising prevalence of terrorist and CBRNe threats around the world is forcing fire services, and their personnel, to undergo some dramatic changes.

The traditional role of the firefighter is steadily evolving as they are increasingly being called upon to expand their core competencies and to hone their disaster preparedness skills.

Fires, accidents and rescues are now just part of the remit - with the increasing need to be able to respond to CBRNe events and to manage the command and control of major incidents.


CBRNe Summit Europe 2019 to showcase UK emergency response capability

Written by Steven Pike on 07 March 2019

The increase in CBRNe-related incidents in recent years, has spurred a marked commitment to the development and enhancement of the United Kingdom's national CBRNe response capabilities.

As civil and military agencies strive to improve their response times and fine-tune their CBRNe training, attendance at events such as the CBRNe Summit Europe in April 2019 can provide an invaluable opportunity for further relationship-building, collaboration and research.