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Argon sim probes convert real radiation meters into training detectors

Steven Pike

Argon Electronics has launched two new simulation probe kits that allow real radiation meters to be used as simulation detectors in CBRN response training exercises.

The kits comprise a range of simulation probes that can be used to convert the Canberra RDS100 and AN/PDR77 detectors into a complete training system, including simulation Alpha, Beta and Gamma sources, an instructor remote controller, carry case and user manual.  The kits are easy to use; all the instructor has to do is connect the simulation probes to the meters in place of the real detection probes and deploy the simulation sources as required for the exercise.

Probes are available for Alpha, Beta and Beta Gamma simulation sources.  Alpha and Beta probes respond to safe, easy to hide simulation sources, while also responding to PlumeSIM to simulate response to airborne Gamma threat.  Beta Gamma probes respond to standard Argon Beta Gamma simulation sources and also PlumeSIM.  The simulate Beta Gamma probe is a DT616 probe look alike that also functions with the Canberra AN/VDR-2 meter. The powerful remote controller provided for the instructor enables simulation of full and partial decontamination for all three probe types and each simulation probe is powered directly by the detector.

The Alpha, Beta and Gamma Simulator probe system kits for AN/PDR77 and RDS100 meters are two of many recent innovations to be developed by Argon, a world leader in the development and manufacture of hazardous material detector simulators that bring enhanced efficiency, flexibility and ease-of-use to CBRN response training.

Argon Electronics

Argon Electronics was established in 1987 and has since become a world leader in the development and manufacture of hazardous material detector simulators, most notably in the fields of military Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) defence. Our simulators have applications from civil response to unconventional terrorism and accidental release, and international treaty verification, with a growing presence in the nuclear energy generation and education markets.

For further information please contact:  

Argon Electronics, 

Unit 16 Ribocon Way, Progress Business Park, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 9UR, UK

Telephone: +44 (0)1582 491 616

