For the first time at Hazardex 2017 in Runcorn Argon will be demonstrating PlumeSIM-SMART, a new innovative solution to managing and mitigating the consequences of offsite releases. PlumeSIM-SMART enables chemical and radiological releases to be simulated permitting monitoring teams, management and emergency responders to train, test and verify their offsite emergency response plans to ensure compliance with COMAH regulations and SEVESO directives.
The innovative system employs App based technology to enable exercise managers to implement both table top and field exercises. All student activity is monitored and the exercises recorded permitting powerful after action review and the ability to demonstrate response veracity to third parties.
PlumeSIM-SMART has been derived from PlumeSIM, Argon’s award winning Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) training system which is in use by many organisations worldwide.