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Argon adds UDR 13 and 14 simulators to its radiation training portfolio

Steven Pike

Argon Electronics (UK) Ltd. is delighted to announce the addition of two new innovative radiation UDR-14training tools to its simulator training portfolio.

The UDR-13 and UDR-14 simulators have been developed in partnership with leading nuclear measurement solutions provider Mirion Technologies, with the express aim of facilitating the creation of highly realistic, practical and hands-on radiation training exercises.

A core feature underpinning the technology of both the UDR simulators is the use of the latest technology Radsim GS series electromagnetic sources that enable the nature and characteristics of ionising radiation to be safely recreated.

By removing all regulatory, environmental and health and safety concerns, these safe simulation sources can be put to use in an unlimited variety of settings, enabling trainers to devise training scenarios that reflect the true nature of the hazardous radiological environments in which their teams may be required to operate.

Particular attention has been paid to the user interface components of the simulator devices, including the display, switch panel, indicators, sounder and vibrator, to ensure they are identical to those of the real detectors.

The simulators have also been designed to imitate the variations in response speed and characteristics that occur as personnel move closer to, or further away from, a simulation source.

Simulated sensitivity enables the UDR simulators to detect a simulation gamma source at a free space line of sight distance of approximately 200 feet (or 60 metres.)

The differences in sensitivity between the actual UDR13 and UDR14 detectors also been taken into account, to further enhance the authenticity of the user experience.

Additional features of the UDR simulators include:

  • Inverse square law response that is within real detector tolerance
  • The simulation of user body shielding when conducting source location exercises
  • Realistic representation of a wide variety of different shielding effects
  • Availability of optional units of measurement including Gy/hr, Sv/hr, Rem and CPM
  • Dose and dose rate alarm settings to ensure accurate interpretation of alarms

Total life cost of ownership was a crucial consideration in the development of the UDR-13 and UDR-14 simulators, meaning there is no requirement for regular calibration or preventative maintenance and minimal cost of consumables aside from the replacement of commercial batteries.

By incorporating these highly realistic simulator training tools into radiation safety exercises, the operational readiness of actual devices can also be maintained.

Consistency and repeatability were key priorities in the design of the UDR simulators. Thanks to the integration of powerful proprietary signal processing technology, trainees are able to have complete faith in the readings they obtain, as well as the reassurance of knowing they will achieve the same readings each time they revisit the same scenario location.

The UDR-13 and UDR-14 simulators are compatible with Argon's live field and tabletop CBRNe exercise system, PlumeSIM.

There are also plans in the pipeline for the creation of a full range of UDR and Ultraradiac simulators.

To discover more about the specific features of the UDR-13 and UDR-14 simulators please feel free to download the relevant product sheets.

