D-tect SYSTEMS RDS Radiation Training Simulator

Providing you with the most realistic radiological training possible, Argon's RDS-SIM training simulator accurately replicates the human interface and operational features of the US DoD approved D-tect SYSTEMS Radiological Detection System (RDS) and enables you to train effectively without the need to involve an ionizing radiological source.

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RDS-SIM_Base 31.9 Rem-hr_LR

Developed as a result of collaboration between Argon and D-tect SYSTEMS, this high fidelity radiological simulator incorporates the menu structure and software processing of the real RDS Base unit meter to ensure you and your students experience the highest possible simulation fidelity.

RDS SIM provides high quality radiation safety training:

  • Exactly the same menu functions as the operational RDS
  • Configurable units of measurement (Rem, Sv/hr etc.)
  • Responds to safe simulation Gamma sources.
  • Responds to safe simulation Beta contamination sources.
  • Easy to set up radiation hazard exercises for HazMat response exercises and training scenarios.
  • Excellent simulation of inverse square law.
  • Can be used to demonstrate the principles of shielding by glass, wood, concrete etc.
  • All RDS functions maintained.
  • Beta window function and response simulation.
  • A range of external probes to be developed.
  • Compatible with the Argon PlumeSIM wide-area exercise system.
  • Compatible with all Argon survey and dosimeter simulators.

RDS SIM simulates:

  • Both GM detectors
  • Beta window function and response.
  • Dose, Dose rate and accumulated dose functions.
  • All audible and visual alarms.
  • All measurement units of actual RDS
  • Contamination and decontamination.
  • Split / dual window function when simulation probes are connected.

The safe simulation Beta sources are easily hidden within PPE to simulate contamination while our easy to use decontamination controller permits you to simulate the effect of partial and full decontamination.

Instructor controller

Simulation of partial and full decontamination is achieved by use of an easy to use instructor controller. You simply press  button 2  if the decontamination process is unsatisfactory  and residual contamination will remain. Pressing  button 3 will simulate full decontamination while button 1 resets the scenario for the next student.

As real as it gets

Available in configurations to display the same units of measurement as your real detector, the RDS SIM accurately simulates the display of the Base Unit detector indicating the dose rate, status of the meter with user configurable audio / visual alarm threshold settings.

Full simulation of the Gamma and Beta detection is implemented including the function of the Beta window. You can configure our simulation sources and PlumeSIM to represent a radionuclide threat comprising Gamma and Beta so that your students can practice monitoring and assessing the Beta / Gamma components of their reading.

We use the actual RDS case, display, sounder and switch panel ensuring all of the visual characteristics and ergonomic / human factors user interfaces are replicated with 100% accuracy to provide the highest quality training.

The simulator is powered by commercially available Alkaline batteries and is designed to require no preventative maintenance or regular calibration ensuring low ongoing cost of ownership.

The RDS SIM is compatible with Argon’s PlumeSIM system and a range of other Argon simulators. This enables multi-detector and multi-threat training within the same operational scenario. A range of simulation probes to support the RDS SIM shall also be developed.

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LCD3 controller