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How simulation can enhance Military battlefield training

Steven Pike

Argon Electronics has released a new white paper that focuses on enhancing chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) military response training. Written by Tim Otter, ex-military officer and CEO of Lutra Associates, the paper, titled ‘How Simulation Can Enhance Battlefield Training’, examines the advances in training technology that enable the military to prepare for modern day conflicts.

The free white paper advises on how advanced simulation technology can be used to enhance CBRN training. This includes a focus on the most effective way to train for the detection of hazardous materials, the importance of effective training for military staff who are moving within increasingly hazardous battlefields and ensuring trainees trust their detection equipment to boost operating capability. The paper also looks at the significance of chemical warfare compared with manoeuvrist warfare, focusing on the heavy use of chemicals in the First World War, and, more recently, the suspected use of local chemical weapons in Syria.

The advent of good CBRN detection systems has radically changed the approach to survival on the battlefield. In the past, the importance of the CBRN threat has been overlooked because of the invisible and untouchable nature of chemical agents and the difficulty, up to now, of accurately simulating their behaviour and effects. Advanced simulation equipment now enables CBRN training to be more effective and realistic than ever before.

“There is no point investing in the best CBRN response equipment if the team using it haven’t been trained properly,” said Tim Otter of Lutra Associates Limited. “I’ve seen first-hand the importance of response training and, if used properly, simulation equipment can significantly improve response training and performance in real life emergency situations.”

Argon develop and manufacture innovative hazardous material detector simulators, which have applications from civil response to unconventional terrorism and accidental release. Designed to enhance the quality and efficiency of CBRN response training, Argon’s simulation equipment plays a vital role in training the military to deal with CBRN incidents effectively.

To download the free white paper, please click here.
