Argon Electronics (UK) Ltd. and Smiths Detection, have once again renewed their
Exploitation Agreement permitting Argon to manufacture and market a range of
simulators based upon Smiths market leading Chemical Warfare detectors.
Originally signed in 2012, the worldwide exclusive Exploitation Agreement permits
Argon to utilise and implement the appropriate aspects of Smiths Intellectual Property
and detector components to create high-fidelity Chemical Warfare detector training
simulators that have been delivered to numerous Government worldwide.
Argon simulators enable a wide variety of scenarios ranging from clandestine
laboratory, terrorist threats and battlefield CWA releases to be implemented in a safe,
environmentally friendly manner. Capable of being used with discrete simulation
sources and with Argon’s PlumeSIM wide are training system, the simulators
incorporate a powerful user monitoring that provides valuable After Action Review
(AAR) to support student evaluation.
Many users of Argon simulators have reported the greatly improved quality of use in
real detectors during live agent training exercises because of prior simulator use and
Steven Pike Argon’s Managing Director commented, “This Exploitation Agreement has proven extremely successful for both Smiths and Argon while at the same time providing Smiths customers with a valuable training capability – a true multi-way win for all concerned and we are delighted our important relationship with Smiths has benefited so many people”.
Michael Lea of Smiths Detection commented, “We are delighted to renew our partnership with Argon Electronics. The combination of the Smiths Detection LCD and Argon’s training capability gives operators the best possible capability in preparing for and countering toxic Chemicals threats’.
To learn more about the Smiths Detection LCD3.3-Sim chemical detection simulator and why it is the ideal training solution for your CBRNe / HazMat exercises get in contact with us today via the contact us page or visit the product page.