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Improving First Responder Radiation Safety Training

Case Study

First responder confidence is paramount to ensuring public safety in the event of radioactive contamination. Well-prepared responders can help prevent a dangerous situation from escalating.

After reviewing the response capacity of the UK's emergency services, the British and devolved Welsh Governments isolated the delivery of thorough and realistic training as an utmost priority going forward. 

Dai Swan is Head of Response for Pembrokeshire, and one of Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s Radiation Protection Supervisors. In this case study, he tells us how equipment provided by Argon Electronics improved his department's radiation safety training. 

The documented program used radiation detector simulators to endow students with technical knowledge and hands-on experience. Inside, you will find advice on how to train your crew to use specialist equipment and deal safely with incidents involving hazardous materials.

This case study includes:

  • Staging realism
  • Replicating risk in a controlled environment
  • The use of simulation equipment
  • Example scenarios to practice

Download the case study to find out more about radiation safety training for the emergency services.

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