Argon shall be exhibiting a wide range of CBRN training systems to support training in contamination avoidance, monitoring and control, reconnaissance, search and also survey training.
A range of training systems will be on show including Argon's new MultiGAS-SIM, simulators for the Smiths LCD3.2e and LCD3.3, Proengin AP4C, Mirion / Canberra RDS100 / PDR77, RDS200 and Thermo FH40G and EPD Mk2.
PlumeSIM, an instrumented CBRN training system now in use by many leading training facilities worldwide will be demonstrated live at the event.
PlumeSIM-SMART, our App based system will be on display. Perfect for both command officer and operator training, PlumeSIM-SMART enables tabletop and field emergency planning exercises to be implemented anywhere in the world with ease.
Argon’s training systems are in use by many organisations throughout the world to enhance Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) and Hazardous Material (HazMat) training.
The exhibition is taking place on the 12 - 14 October 2021.
If there is anything we can help with or any questions you might have about radiation and chemical hazard detection training using simulators, please stop by our booth during the exhibition.
And, if you have specific topics you'd like to discuss, or if you'd like to organise a specific meeting, please fill out the form here to let us know ahead of time.
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