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How a UK Fire Service used Argon Simulators to Improve Their Radiation Safety Training

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When firefighter Ross Smallcombe tried to provide the duty crew at Ryde Fire Station on the Isle of Wight with training on their Mirion RDS200, he realised there were big gaps in the crew's hands-on experience of the device.

So he took steps to correct this by developing a series radiation training scenarios in conjuction with Argon Electronic's RDS200 Simulator.

In this case study, he shares his experience of training first responders to deal safely with radioactive contamination sites.

In addition to the RDS200 simulator, Argon were able to assist him in this by providing simulation emitters, simulation powders and liquids, the GMP-11-SIM simulation beta contamination probe, and EPD-MK2-SIM personal dosimeters.

Ryde firefighters now well-trained

He describes the challenges he faced and provides several examples of the training scenarios that gave firefighters at Ryde Fire Station a solid understanding of radiation detectors.

"The simulation kit enabled us to train in a very realistic and practical way and all crews that were able to be part of the training sessions are now confident and competent with the use of the RDS 200," said Smallcombe. "Nothing can compare with realistic training in the fire and rescue service."

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