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A Guide to Best Practice in Radiation Safety Training

This eBook Includes: 

  • Insights into the best practices in Radiation Safety Training
  • Examples of training scenarios
  • Equipment needed for Radiation Safety Training

Exposure to high levels of radiation is not something we expect to encounter in everyday life, however in the event of a radiological event it is imperative that everyone charged with first response is trained to recognise, react to and contain the threat.

Creating realistic and compelling radiation safety training scenarios is a crucial and ongoing challenge for CBRNe and HazMat instructors worldwide. 

That’s why we created the ebook “A guide to best practice in radiation safety training”, to equip all trainers with the most effective training practices in radiation training. In this material, we explore the issues that are most commonly encountered by instructors, exercise planners, the military and first response teams in planning for radiation safety training.

The eBook covers the following:

  • How realism contributes to successful radiation safety training
  • Typical scenarios to train for
  • What determines an individual’s exposure to radiation
  • What equipment is required for live incident radiation detection
  • How electronic simulators are transforming radiation safety training

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